What Are The Benefits Of Spearmint Tea?

A teapot of loose leaf spearmint tea sits next to a glass of ice tea

Spearmint tea, derived from the aromatic herb Mentha spicata, has been consumed for centuries due to its refreshing flavor and potential health benefits. 

In recent years, it has gained attention for its positive impact on hormonal balance, particularly in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

In this blog, we'll explore the numerous advantages of spearmint tea, focusing on its antiandrogenic effects and its potential to enhance fertility by regulating Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) levels.

Table of Contents

What Are The Benefits Of Spearmint Tea?

What are the Benefits of Spearmint Tea for Women with PCOS?

The Healthier Choice

More Benefits of Spearmint Tea


Benefits of Spearmint Tea Takeaways

What are the Benefits of Spearmint Tea for Women with PCOS?

Antiandrogenic Effects

One of the key benefits of spearmint tea, particularly for women with PCOS, lies in its antiandrogenic properties. Androgens are male hormones that are also found in females, but an imbalance can contribute to PCOS symptoms such as:

  • High testosterone levels

  • Excess hair growth (hirsutism)

  • Acne

  • Male-pattern baldness

  • Weight gain

Several studies have indicated that spearmint tea may help reduce androgen levels, alleviating these symptoms.

One animal study was conducted that proved spearmint intake showed a significant rise in progesterone and a decrease in testosterone levels.

Once this study proved successful, it was decided to be tested on a group of women in Turkey with PCOS and hirsutism. They drank a cup of spearmint tea for five days twice a day during the follicular phase of their menstrual cycles. 

Concluding this treatment, there was a significant decrease in free testosterone, and researchers found that spearmint tea can be a natural alternative to antiandrogenic treatment for mild hirsutism.

Improved Menstrual Regularity

Women with PCOS often experience irregular or absent menstrual cycles due to hormonal imbalance. Spearmint tea has been suggested to contribute to menstrual regularity by modulating hormone levels. 

Reducing excess androgens may help regulate the menstrual cycle and promote a more predictable pattern.

Enhanced Fertility

Another notable benefit for women with PCOS is the potential improvement in fertility. In the Turkish study mentioned earlier (along with others), spearmint tea was found to positively influence fertility by restoring a balance between Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH). 

This hormonal balance is crucial for ovulation, and regular consumption of spearmint tea might enhance the chances of conception.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Spearmint tea's anti-inflammatory properties can be particularly advantageous for women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). 

PCOS is often associated with chronic low-grade inflammation, contributing to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. The natural compounds found in spearmint, such as rosmarinic acid and flavonoids, have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in studies

By reducing inflammation, spearmint tea may help alleviate symptoms associated with PCOS, such as irregular menstrual cycles and insulin resistance.

 Incorporating this refreshing herbal tea into a balanced lifestyle may offer a soothing and supportive approach for women managing the inflammatory aspects of PCOS.

The Healthier Choice

Working with a registered dietitian will help by teaching the list of foods that women with PCOS should avoid; sugar is definitely on that list. 

An intake of sugar can worsen PCOS symptoms, as insulin resistance is one of the main culprits in PCOS. 

During these cold months, it's almost inevitable to grab a hot, sweet latte or a hot cocoa; while delicious, these are filled with sugar. A hot cup of spearmint tea may be the perfect replacement.

 It has a subtle sweet flavor that avoids the need for any sweeteners. 

While it doesn't have caffeine, ongoing studies have proven that spearmint can improve cognitive performance. So it may be worth the switch!

Spearmint tea has many other health benefits that are worth making it a regular daily routine.

More Benefits of Spearmint Tea

Digestive Aid

Spearmint tea is well-known for its digestive benefits. 

It helps soothe an upset stomach, reduce bloating, and alleviate symptoms of indigestion. The natural compounds in spearmint have been shown to relax muscles in the digestive tract, promoting smoother digestion.

Stress Relief

The calming properties of spearmint tea make it an excellent choice for stress relief. 

The aroma of spearmint has been linked to reduced stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, the act of sipping warm tea itself can be a comforting and meditative practice.

Antioxidant Support

Spearmint tea is known to be rich in antioxidants, which play a significant role in combating oxidative stress and protecting the body by fighting free radicals. 

Antioxidants contribute to overall health by supporting the immune system and lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

Dental Health

Spearmint tea's natural antimicrobial properties may also contribute to oral health by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and promoting fresh breath.

Weight Management

Some studies suggest that spearmint tea may help in weight management by potentially influencing metabolic processes and promoting a feeling of fullness.


Spearmint tea, being caffeine-free, is a hydrating option, providing an alternative to caffeinated beverages and contributing to overall fluid intake.

Spearmint Tea FAQ

How much spearmint tea should I drink for hormonal balance?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, incorporating 1-2 cups of spearmint tea into your day may provide potential benefits. 

However, individual tolerance and response may vary, and it's always good to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Is spearmint tea safe during pregnancy?

While spearmint tea is generally considered safe for most people, pregnant women should exercise caution and consult their healthcare provider before incorporating herbal teas into their routine.

The caffeine-free nature of spearmint tea makes it a potential option for those seeking a herbal alternative.

Can spearmint tea replace medical treatments for PCOS?

Spearmint tea may offer complementary support, especially in managing symptoms like hormonal imbalances in conditions such as PCOS. 

However, it should not replace medical treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals. Consulting with a healthcare professional is important for a comprehensive approach to managing health conditions.

Are there side effects of drinking spearmint tea?

Spearmint tea is generally safe when consumed in moderation. However, excessive intake may lead to some side effects, such as digestive issues. It's advisable to start with small amounts and monitor your body's response.

If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue drinking and consult with a healthcare professional.

Benefits of Spearmint Tea Takeaways

Spearmint tea offers a myriad of benefits, ranging from hormonal balance in women with PCOS to digestive support and stress relief for everyone. 

The antiandrogenic effects of spearmint tea, as supported by scientific studies, make it a promising natural remedy for managing PCOS symptoms.

Additionally, its potential to enhance fertility by regulating FSH and LH levels adds to its appeal for women seeking reproductive health support.

As a Registered Dietitian and Certified Fertility and Prenatal Dietitian, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your diet, hormonal health, or fertility, I am here to provide guidance and support concerns. For a customized meal plan aligning with your goals, book a free assessment today.

Remember, making informed choices about your lifestyle can positively impact your health, and spearmint tea is just one natural option that may contribute to your overall well-being. 


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